
To Close the Gender Gap in Finance, Let’s Prioritize Progress for the “Middle”

By 最好的钟, 存人才管理和多元化主管,公平 & 收录| 5分钟阅读| 2022年5月20日

Throughout my career, and especially in my current position at The Depository Trust & 清算公司, I have been inspired and motivated by the progress I have seen towards elevating women with multiple identity dimensions such as race, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入中的种族和性取向. 事实上, 数据来自麦肯锡 found that in 2021 women represented over half of entry level employees in financial services, showing this to be an industry that is becoming increasingly attractive for women early in their career.


This progress at the entry level is a direct result of firms evolving their approaches towards diversity, 股本, 和包容(DEI), and in particular addressing the need to encour年龄 women to consider STEM fields, 从而为未来建立人才管道. 也就是说, this same research from McKinsey also found there is a “leaky pipeline” for women in our industry, 当我们考虑高层职位时,性别比例会下降. 对于有色人种和不同性取向的女性来说,这一趋势更加明显, 背景和能力, as they stand at the intersection of multiple dimensions of unconscious bias, 这常常阻碍他们在金融和科技事业上取得成功. 随着行业努力缩小这一差距, it will be critical to support female leaders of all backgrounds at the point where we are seeing them start to fall off – in the “middle” of their careers – and amplifying the “broken rung” in the ladder to success.


vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和更广泛的领域, the movement towards gender parity early in women’s careers shows the impact that intentional initiatives can have on enacting systemic change. 具体地说, firms have prioritized expanding campus recruitment and programs to bring in diverse talent at the early career phase. There have also been exciting conversations and meaningful change in how industries are recruiting in STEM fields where women are historically underrepresented. One great example is the work Girls Who Code has done to show young women the impact a career in STEM can have, long before they enter the workforce or even take their first college course.

另一方面,组织喜欢 30%俱乐部 have been making efforts to seal the leaks in the female leadership pipeline by calling on firms to increase intersectional gender representation in corporate boards and senior leadership. 我们观察到这些数字有了显著的增长, with research from Deloitte and 30%俱乐部 showing that approximately 20% of board seats globally are held by women. 自2018年以来,这一数字增长了近3%. 虽然这一进展是可以衡量的, it demonstrates how the industry can move the needle when it focuses on clear, 可衡量的目标,如董事会和高层代表.

我们支持的女人, 五个, or ten years into their careers may become the future leaders moving the needle within organizations.


阻止初级和高级职位之间的管道泄漏, the financial services industry must also continue to evolve its approach to recruiting to ensure it does not stop at the early career phase. This is especially true as pandemic-related headlines bring attention to the “great resignation” and the “war on talent.” Firms must develop innovative methods to attract and retain the industry’s best.

在存, 我一直为我们在招募女性方面所做的工作感到自豪, 包括那些站在种族交叉路口的人, 性别表达, class, 性取向, 能力, 年龄, 民族起源和宗教身份, 利用传统和不那么传统的方法. 例如,我们的 重新计划 实习是为那些离开职场又想重返职场的女性准备的吗. 通过这项倡议, 女性参加一个为期12周的项目, 之后,他们可以获得重新进入劳动力市场的机会, with the updated experience to account for their time out of the traditional workforce. Programs like this speak directly to many women’s experience of being downgraded two or three levels in their career when trying to re-enter the workforce after taking time off.

除了这样的节目, there are other practices that are widely gaining attention in human resources departments across the country that can help in bringing qualified female applicants for mid-man年龄ment positions. 例如, Harvard Business Review finds that focusing on inclusive langu年龄 in job descriptions and publicly sharing women’s success stories can help increase the number of female applicants in the hiring pipeline. Not only do these practices prevent future leaders from falling through the cracks, but they also bring unique perspectives to firms—key to creating innovation and achieving business results.


Ultimately, retention is key for ensuring future female leaders within organizations. Once recruiting is over, the responsibility of nurturing women’s career growth begins. 再一次。, 这是一个有意的领域, firmwide initiatives can work to move the needle for women across all identity dimensions. This is the piece of the puzzle that connects identifying future leaders with tools to become grow within their organizations. 有针对性的辅导项目, 正式和非正式, and a focus on inclusion in promotion decisions must both be priorities for firms in 2022 and beyond.

我们也为新兴女性领袖计划感到自豪, a 存 program that addresses the “broken rung” many women encounter in their career ladder—moving from individual contributor to people man年龄r. 这个为期六个月的项目为参与者未来的领导角色做好了准备, enhancing their career man年龄ment efforts by providing networking opportunities while expanding their leadership skills and organizational savvy.

By focusing on retaining and nurturing female talent in the middle of women’s careers and bringing qualified applicants with years of experience to the table as promotions and new positions open, 我们继续看到本领域在实现性别平等方面取得更大进展. 展望未来, 我们支持的女人, 五个, or ten years into their careers may become the future leaders moving the needle within organizations.

本文首次发表于 交易员杂志.


存 Managing Director, Head of Talent Man年龄ment and 多样性, Equity and 包容 (DEI)
